Memorial Bench & Tree Program
The MacDonald Island Park Memorial Bench & Tree Program is designed to provide individuals, groups and organizations with an opportunity to dedicate a tree or a bench to remember, observe or acknowledge a special event, occasion or person.
Memorial Tree
Memorial trees are located throughout the course at Miskanaw Golf Club. A memorial plaque will be attached to a tree of the type of your choosing. Specific locations will be confirmed prior to installation. Memorial trees are guaranteed for a minimum of 10 years. After the 10 year period, plaques will remain in place for the remaining life of the tree.
Investment: $800
Tree Options:
Coniferous: Tamarack Larch, Siberian Larch, Colorado Spruce
Deciduous: Mountain Ash, Trojan Green Ash, Linden
Memorial Bench
Memorial benches will be located throughout Miskanaw Golf Club, or the Aboriginal Interpretive Trail. Two types of benches are available for your choosing. Specific locations will be confirmed prior to installation. Memorial benches will be maintained for a 10 year period. After the 10 year period, the donor can submit a request to renew the memorial for an additional fee.
Investment: $2500
Bench Options:
Miskanaw Golf Club: Recycled plastic bench landscaped with patio stone
Aboriginal Interpretive Trail: Metal standard bench on a gravel pad
Any approved request by April 15th of current year will be completed by year end. Any completion after April 15th will be completed no later than the following calendar year.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about the Memorial Bench & Tree Program, please contact us.
Jason Vaughan, Director of Golf & Grounds
Phone: 780-790-1812, Direct: 780-793-6930
Email: Click Here
Application Form
Please submit the following form to request a memorial bench or tree.