Vision, Mission, Values
& Priorities

our vision

Together we create community.

our mission

We inspire Wood Buffalo to gather, play & connect.



  • Cultivating a culture of safety, ensuring the well-being of employees and guests

  • Embracing a culture of continuous improvement related to our occupational health & safety management system


  • Enhance competitive advantage by forming alliances with organizations that complement our strengths and mitigate our weaknesses

  • Engage in collaboration through the sharing of financial resources and human capital for mutual and regional benefit

  • Partner with local businesses to gain insights into the regional market dynamics, customer preferences, and regional trends


  • Leveraging cutting-edge technology to enrich guest experiences

  • Incubate creative programming

  • Remain agile and responsive to the needs of our community


  • Ethically manage the assets and resources of the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo

  • Drive financial stability to sustainably support our mission and vision

  • Establish clear and quantifiable sustainability targets to track, measure and response to performance


  • Champion and celebrate universal inclusivity in all spaces

  • Commit to reconciliation by actively contributing to Truth & Reconciliation efforts

  • Proactively eliminate barriers to access and foster inclusivity in all aspects of facilities and services




Develop & sustain the personnel and culture required for RRC to pursue its strategic plan, by advancing our people & culture practices.


Develop the systems, culture, and performance that forms the basis of the careful and responsible management of the owner’s assets and delivers on the owner’s expectations.

programs & services

Develop new or refined services that differentiate our service offering and contribute to, or maintain, memberships, program participation, and new sustainable revenue streams.

stakeholder alignment

Develop the means and methods to attract and retain clients, engage patrons, and form collaborative partnerships with new or existing relationships.