
Giving adults and families the opportunity to access sport and play.


The Wood Buffalo Recreation Support Program is designed to reduce the barriers impacting residents by offering eligible residents affordable access to recreation.

Approved applicants will receive 60% off of their chosen annual membership or monthly facility pass.

This program is offered at all RRCWB facilities, Syncrude Sport & Wellness Centre and Vista Ridge.


  • To reduce financial barriers to RRC facility access for eligible residents.

  • To enhance utilization of RRC facilities by reducing financial barriers for eligible residents.

  • Enhance the physical, social and psychological wellbeing of RMWB residents by encouraging participation in recreation, culture, sport and the arts at RRC facilities.

How to Apply

Applications are now open

  • The potential program participant will fill out the application form online or in person through Guest Services at any participating location.

  • Applications will be approved based on program requirements by each location’s designated Guest Services Team Lead and/or Supervisor.

  • Applications will be processed within 2 business days and all applicants will be notified by phone and email confirmation.

    • Confirmation will include the necessary information required to set up the program participant based on membership type.

  • Approved program participants will have 90 days from the time of approval to activate their membership at their chosen location. Approved applications that elapse more than 90 days without activation will be void.


For acceptance into the Wood Buffalo Recreation Support Program an applicant must:

  • Be a permanent resident of the RMWB

  • Be eighteen years of age or older

  • Have an annual combined family income no greater than 30% higher than the Statistics Canada before-tax Low Income Cut-off (LICO) table for their family size.

Documentation Required

Applicants must submit the following required documentation along with their completed application form:

  1. Verification of Income:

    • Canada Revenue Agency Personal Income Tax Notice of Assessment including address portion. This is not a copy of the personal income tax return. Note: If  an applicant cannot submit a copy of their Notice of Assessment, they are encouraged to contact Canada Revenue Agency to request a copy of their “Form C”, OR;

    • Canada Revenue Agency Canada Child Benefit notice (CCB) including address portion. OR;

    • Canada Revenue Agency GST/HST Credit notice including address portion.

  2. Proof of Residency:

    1. Lease or rental agreement, OR;

    2. Utility or phone bill, OR;

    3. Driver’s License

Applications for the Wood Buffalo Recreation Support Program are open.