Message from the CEO - March 15, 2020
Regarding the GOA’s decision to close all Alberta schools and daycare facilities to support prevention measures regarding the spread of COVID-19, I wanted to share with you our short-term plan for staffing for tomorrow (Monday, March 16, 2020).
It will be business as usual at our facilities as we continue with our plan to shift from supporting our members and guests to working on key projects throughout all departments.
If you’re scheduled to work tomorrow, please report to work as usual. However, exceptions will apply for ONE Teamers who are facing challenges with securing childcare for the day. Staff members who are unable to report to work due to this condition should contact their Manager or Supervisor as soon as possible.
The situation continues to be fluid, and with that, the Senior Leadership Team will be making some changes to our continuity plan in each business area with regard to staffing. ONE Team can expect that we will be sharing more information with you tomorrow afternoon so that we can settle on a longer-term plan.
What do employees need to know?
View a conversation with the RMWB's Director of Emergency Management, Scott Davis here.
Latest Government of Alberta announcements:
ONE Team Members can find more information and receive regular updates on COVID-19 at
According to Health Canada, Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases. Some coronaviruses transmit between animals, some between animals and people, and others from people to people.
Coronavirus infections are common and typically lead to the common cold. Gastrointestinal disease is possible for young infants. Symptoms are usually mild to moderate and can include:
runny nose
sore throat
a general feeling of being unwell
Alberta Health Services recommends the following prevention measures:
1. Wash your hands often and well
2. Avoid touching your face, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands
3. Avoid close contact with people who are sick
4. Clean and disinfect surfaces that are frequently touched
5. Stay at home and away from others if you are feeling ill
6. When sick, cover your cough and sneezes and then wash your hands
More information on how to prevent the spread is available here
Employees returning from travel or feeling unwell are encouraged to take the AHS online assessment
The online assessment can be found here.
Situations are fluid, please work directly with your supervisor depending on your individual circumstances.
More information will be shared as it is available.
Please review frequently asked question content from the government of Canada here.
Trusted Covid resources
AHS remains the trusted authority on COVID-19 and residents are encouraged to review official AHS information and follow their social media outlets.
Government of Alberta Update on Covid-19
Public Health Agency of Canada
Community-based measures to mitigate the spread
Government of Canada Travel Health notices and advisories
Personal Resources & Support
LIfeworks Program - Free Access to financial planning, counselling services and more
Information on Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan
Information regarding the supports that are in place for all Albertans
Information on Employment Insurance
Mortgage relief programs being put into place by Canadian Banks - News
AHS has launched a new text-based service to give Albertans encouragement and ease feelings of stress or anxiety as they respond to recent challenges. Albertans can text COVID19Hope to 393939 to receive daily text messages to assist with focusing on healthy thinking or actions to manage emotions.
*Please note, documentation and information is subject change at any time*