RRC Operational Plan: July 16 Update
I’m reaching out today to provide an operational update as we continue to work through the RRC’s phased re-opening plan. You may be aware that we are re-launching the facilities under the guidelines provided by Stage 2 of the Alberta Government’s Re-Launch Strategy and that a date is yet to be determined by the Government for Stage 3.
Currently, RRC re-opening plans include amenities at MacDonald Island Park and the Anzac Recreation Centre presented by CNOOC. At this time, we do not have a potential re-opening date for Conklin Multiplex and Sonny Flett Aquatic Centre.
Over the past few weeks, our focus has been on ramping up our operations safely at MIP and Anzac while ensuring our plans adhere to the guidelines provided by the Province’s Re-Launch Strategy. As we put these plans into place, new public health measures have brought changes into every area of our operations, leading to significant impacts to capacities and the scope of the services we are able to provide.
On July 6, Syncrude Aquatic Centre opened to the public with numerous restrictions and protocols in place. With that, there has been significant changes to service levels and at this time we are offering limited swimming lessons, pre-booked lane swims and pre-booked family swims. Other amenities such as whirl pools, sauna, and steam rooms will remain closed with possible re-opening dates in Stage Three of the Government of Alberta’s Re-Launch Plan.
While current conditions restrict activities and capacities in the Syncrude Aquatic Centre, we have made the decision to expedite a handful of capital projects that will enhance the future experience for members and guests. These projects were previously scheduled for a future date and include the replacement of the tile and lining along the lazy river and the splash pad throughout the spray park. While these projects take place, the leisure side of the pool will remain closed until November 1.
With respect to the Kids Clubhouse, we are continuing to work through the guidance being provided by Provincial health authorities regarding the restrictions and protocols for Child Minding Services. The safety measures that are required to be in place in order to operate a childminding space include physical distancing and co-horting. Due to the nature of our drop-in child-minding programs, these measures are not able to be implemented and as such, the Kids Clubhouse will remain closed to the public. We are advised that services, such as drop-in child-minding, may be able to resume operations during Stage Three of the Government of Alberta’s Re-Launch Plan. In the meantime, we will be watching closely for any changes to these guidelines.
With respect to Memberships, all memberships were placed on hold when the facilities closed on March 14. When the facilities re-opened on June 19, members had the option to call in and reactivate their memberships if they wished to do so. On August 1, we will be auto-reactivating all memberships for the MIP and Anzac facilities and giving members the option to place their memberships on hold once again by contacting Guest Services.
In addition, Suncor Community Leisure Centre including Legacy Dodge Fitness Centre and Shell Place Sport & Recreation Amenities will be expanding operating hours as of August 1 to Monday – Friday: 5:00am-10:00pm/ Weekends and Statutory Holidays: 7:00am-10:00pm.
As we continue to work through service levels and capacities, detailed updates regarding the re-opening of our facilities will be posted on our websites and can be found here: macdonaldisland.ca/reopen and here anzacrec.ca/reopen.
While we resume operations, HR will continue to issue recalls for a number of staff to support our increasing service levels. Please continue to keep an eye on your email for updates and information from the RRC.
If you have any questions or concerns related to the re-opening of our facilities, please reach out to myself or to HR Services
Stay well,