Operating Protocols & Guidelines
The Regional Recreation Corporation of Wood Buffalo (RRCWB) will enable and promote leading practices amongst recreation facilities throughout the RMWB. Whether it be in rural or urban areas, RRCWB staff will display the same level of customer service excellence, quality recreation programming and meaningful ongoing community engagement. This uniformity across both rural and urban recreation amenities will create a user experience that is standardized, effective and valued throughout the RMWB.
As RRCWB will be responsible for the operations of recreation facilities throughout the RMWB, there are a number of corporate functions that will be provide via a centralized approach. Functions such as finance and human resources, as well as protocols for community engagement, stakeholder relations and direct programming will all be developed by RRCWB. Central to capture all the learnings and best practices from the operations of MIPC and the ongoing operations of RRCWB. Each of the functions provided by RRCWB will be measured via performance indicators on a regional and community specific basis.
Functions that will be provided by RRCWB centrally include human resource practice (recruitment, retention, and professional development), financial reporting and fiscal accountability, stakeholder relations, public engagement process, usage tracking and quality control and marketing and promotions of recreation (in terms of available opportunity and motivation to participate).
Local hiring practices of RRCWB will foster economic development in both rural and urban communities, build both resident and community capacity and drive ongoing, meaningful community development.
Although many of the services and protocols will relate to RRCWB Central, each facility, and associated community, will have a Facility Liaison Manager (FLM). Each FLM will be responsible for facility operations, coordinating of RRCWB Central functions in the respective community and ongoing measurement of performance in improving the quality of life of both rural and urban residents. The setting of user fees for recreation facilities and programs will be conducted via RRCWB Central protocol and practice as well as in reference to local market conditions. The approach of providing resident access via a single monthly membership fee has been endorsed by the Board and would be applicable to all facilities under the control of RRCWB however access to residents who cannot afford to participate will be able access via criteria based subsidisation programs.
Key considerations for the setting of user fees are that initially fees will be structured at a rate deemed affordable by the general marketplace. Fees, both for rentals and memberships, will be affordable by the majority of residents and those that are not able to afford them can apply for criteria based subsidization programs. User fees of all types should be increased at par with inflation annually. Fee increases deemed necessary by RRCWB should never exceed 10% in any given year.