Message from the CEO - April 15, 2020
During today’s meeting we reviewed our Operational Plan extending beyond April 16. With ongoing extended closures to all of the facilities we operate, there has been significant impact on our operating revenues. Our response to this is to adopt an Income Bridging Support Program to provide the RRC and our team with stability for the time being and to allow for sustained operations beyond this public health crisis.
The income bridging program will be in the form of the Supplemental Unemployment Benefit (SUB) program, an initiative through the Government of Canada. Effective April 17, 2020, the majority of RRC staff will be transferred to the SUB program. Regular Full-Time, Regular Part-Time and Part-Time employees with 30 days of service are eligible for this program and it will provide for employees to receive 80% of their salary or regular income, including Cost of Living Allowance, through a combination of employment insurance benefits and a top-up contribution provided by the RRC. Employees transferred to the SUB program will no longer report to work and are not expected to work from home. Part-time and casual staff, dependent on insurable earnings, may opt to be supported with applications to other Federal wage support programs such as the Canada Emergency Care Benefit (CERB).
You can find further details regarding the SUB program in the documents below:
A Recorded copy of the Operational Plan presentation can be viewed here.
We have weighed all the possible options as a team and this program is our best choice for the organization, our team and the community. We know these times are challenging for all and we appreciate the work that you have been doing and your continued flexibility as we all navigate these unprecedented circumstances.
35 employees will remain fully employed to ensure facilities are operating, safe and maintained during the public closures. The RRC’s Senior Leadership Team will continue to report to work as part of those 35 positions while reducing their regular pay to 80% in lockstep with the SUB program.
If you have any questions regarding this plan, please reach out:
For Employment & Sub Program related assistance & information: RRC HR Department:
To speak with someone in HR, please call Lisa Major @ 780-793-6950 or 780-838-3861
Please note that I will continue to set aside 1 - 2 p.m. daily for team members who would like to chat with me about any questions or concerns. To arrange a time to chat, please reach out to Nichole at Nichole James
Please also remember that resources are available to you and I encourage you to reach out for support if needed. Help is available 24/7 at 1-800-663-1142 with more resources available through the Wood Buffalo Mental Health Association